Please select from one of the options below:
APC (ACTIVITY PROFESSIONAL CERTIFIED) I have only taken the curriculum for Activity Professional Certification (APC). CLICK HERE
ADC (ACTIVITY DIRECTOR CERTIFIED) I have taken both Activity Professional Certification (APC) and Activity Director Certification (ADC). CLICK HERE
ADC EXPERIENTIAL I have not taken a course, however I have 5 years in the field of activities and 2 of those years I managed or supervised the program that delivers the Social Model of Care. CLICK CHERE
ADC PROFESSIONAL EQUIVALENCY I have not taken the a course, however I have a degree such as AT-BT, MT-BC, COTA, CTRS, OTR, CPG or LNHA.  I have also directed, managed or supervised in the continuum of care with at least 1 years full time in an activity or life enrichment program. CLICK HERE
ACC (ACTIVITY CONSULTANT CERTIFIED) I have a Masters, Bachelors or Associates degree, have also taken Activity Professional Certification (APC) and Activity Director Certification (ADC), have between 2000-6000 hours of experience,  and have either 200 consulting hours within the past 3 years or have successfully completed an independent study with a NCCAP instructor.  Please note that if you have an Associates degree, you will need both the hours and the independent study course. CLICK HERE
  None of these apply to me and I need to start by taking a course CLICK HERE